
AnnotQTL request

Use the following form to get annotation for a chromosomal region:

Batch requestChromosomal location

Define chromosomal location manually or using SNP or STS id

Start location of the chromosomal region (in bases)

End location of the chromosomal region (in bases)

For batch requests, each line represents a chromosomal location with the following syntax: "chromosome:start-end".

Example: 5:55000000-60000000 = Chromosome 5, between positions 55000000 and 60000000

Note: No verification of locations is done before processing. It is your responsability to enter valid chromosomes and positions.

SNP dataset to include in display (optional)

SNP datafile must be in a tab-delimited format with the following columns: SNP name, Chromosome, Genomic location (in bases).

Note: Users can add a header in their file (this header line must begin with "#". Please also note that a fourth column can be used to display your user-defined data.

Note: Due to slight differences in the SNP locations between databases, the re-map option will take the NCBI location as reference if the SNP marker is found in the database. This option will only be functional when using conventional SNP name ID (see Biomart or NCBI for a complete description). Else, the user-provided location will be used to insert SNPs (must be in bases) in the selected genomic region.

Highlight genes with specific GO terms annotations (optional)

See for GO terms ID or terms


optional, one per line e.g. GO:0008150 or lipid

if "Add GOA from others species" is checked

Note: Despite of the fact it can be irrelevant, be aware that searching for GO relationship of 'near-root' GOID can be CPU-consumming (i.e. it will take some times...)

Highlight genes that match with Mammalian Phenotype Database (optional)

See Mammalian Phenotype browser for more details

optional, one per line, no space between keywords, e.g. reproductive
Highlight genes that match with OMIM disorders (optional)

See OMIM browser for more details

optional, one per line, no space between keywords
Synteny conservation options

Note: Please note that synteny order < 2 can give no results (as synteny segments are too small to match your chromosomal region

Chromosomal location using SNP or STS

Here, you can enter SNP or STS ids to define the start and end position of a chromosomal region. STS ids can be found on the UniSTS website.

Be sure to select the correct species in the main form.

First SNP/STS id:
Last SNP/STS id:

INRA Agrocampus Ouest Biogenouest IRISA INRIA Université de Rennes 1 Région Bretagne

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